I was a replacement judge as Mrs Platt was unable to officiate due to ill health and I wish her a speedy recovery. At this was at very short notice, I was surprised at the totally unexpected warmth of my reception at the ringside. I must also thank my very efficient steward for her help. After a break of 9 years, I was a bit 'ring rusty'. I found a very diverse mixture of quality and 'middle of the road' hounds. There were some with feet, ears and front conformation which I felt had room for improvement. Movement and muscle quality could be better in a few cases, as could a bit less covering on the ribs. Having said that, there was something to like about them all.
VD (1) 1 Baumann's Ch Regalflight Tarloch. Quality, presence, conformation and movement in one super package, correct front, small fine ears, tight well knuckled feet, eyecatching light grey, did not look like a veteran, just a mature, masculine hound in excellent condition. CC and BOB.
PD (1) 1 Swanson's Cotherstone Dallas Dhu Of Altimarlach. Attractive and promising at 7 mths, good front with nice angle to upper arm and layback of shoulderblade, slight rise over loin giving correct topline, good rear angulation, good muscular condition for age, firm but not overdone.
JD (4) 1 Cummings' Killoeter Tam Dub. Well grown promising youngster, good head with dark eyes and small ears, nicely folded, good reach of neck, lay of shoulders and a pleasing length of back and topline, moved soundly, condition just right for age. 2 Janson's Nixophel Carnelian Red. Still a bit immature compared to first, but has plenty of time on his side, he has a nice head but his ears are not the smallest, lovely dark eye and expression. A bit straight in front but good hind angulation.
GD (3) 1 Heap's Leoch Jamie Of Fintalloch. Good head and expression with dark eyes and well set ears, good depth and spring of rib, shoulders well laid back, decent bend of stifle, hind movement let him down. 2 Harte's Ardneish Poet. Well balanced, smaller than first, but shapely, dark harsh coat. At only 18 mths he has plenty of time to mature, good hindquarters, movement varied. My notes say 'good at times, but not consistent'. Could improve with time.
PGD (3) 1 Freeman's Lilac Wind Montgomery Cliff To Glooscap (Imp Fra). Well grown 2 yr old. Pleasing outline, good conformation with well laid shoulders and nice angle to upper arm, good topline with strength over the loin, good bend of stifle, correct feet, tight with well knuckled toes, moved soundly.
LD (4) 1 Baumann's Packway Loxley Norton. Lots of presence, just stands and draws the eye, lovely length of back with a good topline, good spring of rib and depth of chest, nice head with dark eyes, ears are just short of perfect but acceptable, good conformation overall, good front and hind angulation. On the move he tended to pace for a few steps but managed a full circuit without putting a foot wrong. RCC. 2 Finnett & Heathcoat's Hyndsight Pilgrim. This was a very close decision, he pressed winner hard. Not quite as tall as first but of equal quality. Good head and expression, lovely small ears. Good angulation in front and hindquarters. The best of feet. Moved freely with drive. My decision hinged on toplines and I just preferred first on the day.
OD (7) 1 Sharp's Rosslyn Connor. In excellent condition, well muscled and sound on the move, good conformation throughout, looked as if he could run all day. Nice head, good feet and coat, a good topline completed the picture. 2 Constantine's Kaleginy The Forrester. A good head with dark eyes and nice expression, ears a bit flat, has good depth and spring of rib, topline lacks rise over loin, good bone and muscle, moved well.
VB (1) 1 Robertson's Chuilinn Magdelena. Carrying too much weight for me, but underneath was a good spring of rib and depth of brisket, well laid shoulders and length of upper arm, good topline, the best of ears, small, fine and tight, well knuckled feet and sound on the move.
PB (1) 1 Constantine's Cotherstone Serenade At Kaleginy. Stood alone but would stand out in any company. At only seven and a half mths old, she is well balanced and moves fluently with a long stride. A lovely reach of neck, attractive head, good layback of shoulderblades and upper arm, strong topline, good coat and at this age lots of presence. BP and RBPIS.
JB (4) 1 Janson's Nixophel Crystal Rose. Nicely balanced and sound for her age (only just over 12 mths old). Nice head with dark eyes, lovely tight feet, well presented. 2 Harte's Nixophel Crystal Celestite. Very much cast in the same mould as first (her litter sister). Little to choose between them, the same remarks apply to both, I just preferred firsts topline.
GB (5) 1 Heap's Leoch Juniper Of Fintalloch. Shapely, well muscled, good conformation, nice reach of neck, good spring of rib and depth of brisket, lovely head and expression with good small ears, moved soundly with drive. 2 Nuttall's Ahelova Moonlight. A bit smaller than first, she is another shapely, well muscled hound who moved soundly but lacked the drive of first, good head and expression, dark eyes and small ears.
PGB (5) 1 Stuart & Holt's Ollandsheart Nancy. Nice feminine b, good condition with firm muscled, nice head, dark eyes and good ears, good spring of ribs and depth of brisket, topline a bit flat but was not the only one, movement could have been better. 2 Nuttall's Erpingham Titania. Feminine head and expression, dark eyes and good ears, good feet and bone, similar to first in make and shape, another hound whose movement could have been sounder.
LB (5) 1 Morton & Morgan's Chuilinn Ballad. Good reach of neck, well laid shoulder and upper arm, good hind angulation, depth and spring of rib, topline with the rise over the loin, nice ears and good tight feet, nice hard coat, sound mover. 2 Swanson's Cotherstone Brogue Of Altimarlach ShCM. Good angulation in front and behind and good feet, nice head, good ears and dark eyes, good depth and spring of rib, topline not as good as first. A bit heavier than I like.
OB (5) 1 Finnett & Heathcote's Ch Hyndsight Mandolin Wind. Quality bitch in good muscular condition, correct angulation front and hindquarters, good reach of neck and good topline gave her a lovely outline, good feet and ears, moved freely, soundly and with drive. CC. 2 Morton, Morgan & Constantine's Cotherstone Islay Mist At Kaleginy. Another very nice bitch, good topline, spring and depth of brisket and good feet, moved well, just felt first had the better front angulation.
Pat Aird